Crisis of care in Pennsylvania

As part of a feature on Pennsylvania’s preparedness for an anticipated increase in dementia patients, SpotlightPA, partnering with PublicSource, commissioned this video based on a recorded phone interview with a spouse of someone with Alzheimer’s disease. The full article with video embed (about halfway down the page) can be viewed here.

The production of this video involved cutting down a 48 minute interview to a digestible 3 minutes. A limited palette was chosen in order to keep the mood serious and allow certain environmental elements to receed so that the characters would stand out in the scene. The storyboard was crucial to communicate the plan for the visual narrative since this was the first time working with SpotlightPA. The project was ambitious for the budget, but the final results show that planning and reserving time for a few complex movements alongside simpler layouts can pay out a very cohesive and emotionally engaging animation.

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